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We're excited to kick off a new series, #2020Vision—asking customers from the worlds of entertainment, food, music, activism, and literature for predictions about the future of their fields, in addition to insight into how they're going to make next year the best one yet.
Food writer Priya Krishna published her debut cookbook “Indian-ish: Recipes and Antics From a Modern American Family,” in 2019.
Photo credit: Mackenzie Kelley
Squarespace: Your first cookbook, “Indian-ish,” was released in 2019. What was the reception from family, friends, and the press?
Priya Krishna: Ha, my family members are still awestruck when they see people making their dishes on Instagram. It's been awesome. Food media, and the cookbook industry in general, remains predominantly white—and so does the home cooking featured within them. I wanted to show people that Indian food is everyday, accessible food. And it's been exciting to see the book resonate with so many people, both Indian and non-Indian.
SQSP: You have an amazing digital presence. How important has it been to cultivate and maintain this over the years?
PK: Part of me wishes Instagram didn't exist, because it can definitely be bad for my sanity. But it's also really fun just to showcase what you're making in your kitchen, or eating (I like to document my partner Seth's baking adventures, and that has been a source of genuine enjoyment and fun for me). It's also a great platform for highlighting other POC businesses and authors.
SQSP: What are some changes you’ve witnessed in the food industry recently, and what additional changes do you see coming down the pipeline in the (near) future?
PK: Not to be a broken record, but I want the industry to be less white. I want to see the industry giving resources, book deals, and big-ticket stories to more people of color. I want non-European cuisines to be normalized within the sphere of home cooking. I want to see more diverse staffs at food magazines and restaurants. I want to see more POC with decision making power.
SQSP: Where do you see yourself next year?
PK: Happy and healthy and surrounded by my family, I hope!
To learn more about what’s ahead for Priya, visit her 作成する. Ready to create your own online presence?
This post was updated on October 23, 2023.