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We're excited to kick off a new series, #2020Vision—asking customers from the worlds of entertainment, food, music, activism, and literature for predictions about the future of their fields, in addition to insight into how they're going to make next year the best one yet.
Photographer Lara Jade shares her journey through the fashion industry and her priorities for the new year.
Squarespace: What was your biggest highlight of 2019, and how are you planning on leveraging that momentum moving into the new year?
Lara Jade: Shooting for a cover story for an international Vogue (Vogue Japan Wedding) in Paris! My 14-year-old photographer self would have been in disbelief that this would be a possibility in my future! Editorial shoots enable you to have more creative control and often it's these editorial shoots that feature in your portfolio. I am going to take more time next year to fulfill myself creatively—pursuing more editorial shoots that have my creative vision & shooting projects that excite me!
SQSP: You were born in England, call New York your home, and travel often for your work. How has your international background helped you move forward in your field?
LJ: Leaving England to move to New York in my early 20s was not the easiest thing to do. I had to let go of fear and throw myself into a fast-paced industry and start my business again in a new place. Going through this and all of the challenges I faced as a young female photographer has made me a stronger artist and business woman. I am not scared of change or challenges.
SQSP: As someone literally behind the lens in the fashion and beauty realm, how would you say the industries have evolved in the past few years?
LJ: Everything is faster now. Shoots are booked a few days to a week in advance (people aren’t necessarily planning months before now). The rise of social media also means the desire for more content and fast timelines. You have to think faster and also try to offer something different to stand out from the crowd. You can’t sit back and rest on your laurels.
SQSP: Where do you see yourself next year?
LJ: I find myself saying this every year but I’d like to find more of a work/life balance. What I learned this year is that time off is good to reflect and rest. I’m a workaholic & love what I do, so for me every bit of down time I have I’m trying to find excuses to work again or plan a shoot! As an artist I think it’s natural to be on a creative rollercoaster all the time. Sometimes you’re at a high and immediately after you’ll feel at your lowest. In order to succeed in business you have to be happy in yourself and know that those highs & lows will come and be OK with it. It’s part of the journey!
To learn more about Lara Jade’s work, visit her 作成する and follow her on Instagram. Ready to embark on your own creative journey?
This post was updated on October 23, 2023.