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How to Create and Sell E-books

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Although the majority of books published every year are still printed, three out of every 10 Americans have read an e-book over the past year, according to Pew Research. The market research firm Wordsrated estimates that 30% of all e-books are self-published

More and more authors have realized that they can sell e-books directly to customers and keep the profits that a publishing house would take. In addition, many professionals consider e-books to be a valuable tool for sharing their expertise with clients and prospective clients and for earning passive income by selling digital products through their website. If you think your expertise lends itself to an e-book, read on for tips on choosing your e-book topic, format and design, and how to market and sell an e-book.  

Identifying the e-book you’re meant to write

First, think about what’s inspiring you to create e-books. Are you interested in turning your blog posts or articles into a useful guide, filling knowledge gaps in your industry, or sharing your creativity with the world? 

Because e-books are not limited by the costs and constraints of print, they can take many forms:

  • 200-page annual reports with full-color photography

  • 10-page deep dives into very specific topics

  • Short novellas or longform fiction and nonfiction

  • Informational guides, similar to online courses

Before you begin drafting your next e-book, do a little online research to see what’s out there—and what isn’t. For example:

  • Search for books on your topic through your local library’s website, online bookstores, and search engines. Take note of popular topics, which tell you the kinds of e-books people most want to read, as well as areas where you can contribute new information or a new angle. 

  • Find other people in your area of expertise who have self-published e-books, so you can browse through their books—and get an idea of how much to charge for your own. 

  • If you have an active clientele or following, ask them about the books they would like to see you write.

  • Envision your target reader, think through what they might want to gain from reading your book, and consider integrating the e-book into your work with clients. For example, a nutritionist could offer an e-book about healthy eating or a guide for specific nutrition plans that complements their client services.

Formatting and designing your e-book

Although it costs little to nothing to write an e-book and post it on your website, you want the final product to look and feel professional. 

Consider hiring a professional editor to help you shape the book or simply smooth over awkward language and catch errors. You can find experienced editors by posting on professional forums, asking people in your network for recommendations, or posting the project on a freelance services marketplace. 

Also consider hiring a graphic designer to give the book an appealing layout and cover, especially if it will have many images. Always make sure you have the right to reproduce any illustrations and photographs in your own work. While many self-published e-books are sold as PDF files, a professional designer may help you adapt the e-book for multiple formats. You may even want to sell physical copies through a printing service.

Marketing and selling your e-book

Once you’re clear on the goal of publishing your e-book—whether you’re marketing your professional experience or convincing readers to fall in love with your storytelling—you’re ready to put it out in the world. That raises the next challenge: how to sell e-books. 

A number of e-book vendors and major online retailers sell digital books to the public, as well as libraries and institutions. With a little online research, you’ll be able to identify their formatting requirements and how they handle e-book sales. 

A more direct route is to sell your e-book through your own website. Many web hosting services, including Squarespace, make it easy to sell digital products of all kinds through your site. If you’ve written a collection of e-books, consider creating a membership section of your website to sell monthly, annual, or lifetime access to all the books. Or, simply add individual e-books to an online store on your site if you want to make them available to a broader audience.

Although e-books can generate passive income for you, getting the word out about the book’s release requires action. 

A few strategies that authors commonly use to market e-books:

  • Ask people you respect to read the book and write testimonials.

  • Send out newsletters to your email list promoting the book before and after its release.

  • Pitch editorials and blog posts to newsletters and professional forums on related topics.

  • Advertise it on your website and social media channels and post sample material to increase excitement.

  • Share the project with your personal and professional network. 

Learn more about how to sell digital products through your website

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