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5 Photography Website Examples

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How you present your photos on your website is almost as important as the photos themselves. When choosing the right design for your photography site, consider what sizing and layout best suits your style. Then, make sure your site has space to include any other important highlights, like booking information.

Get inspired with the five template examples below and an example from a professional photographer who runs her business on Squarespace.

1. Spotted

Use the Spotted template to let one of your photos take center stage, so visitors get the full effect of an image on your homepage. The minimal site design also forces you to edit. You can add more featured images and links, but keeping the selection small ensures visitors actually view all of them. 

If you want to add an extra gallery or other pages, like a Services page, you can add them to the header navigation. 

Preview the Spotted template

2. Ortiz

If your main goal is attracting new clients and bookings, then a website design that functions as both a portfolio and a resume might be appealing. A layout like the one for this website template uses spacing and photo placement to create distinct spaces for portfolio images, information about your experience, and links to book your services.

Preview the Ortiz template

3. Talva

Maybe your photography spans a few different categories or subjects. A website design like the Talva template example gives you a chance to showcase your work in a complementary way. Feature images that share color palettes or styles and link to see more from the project. 

The simple design keeps visitors focused on the most important parts of the website—the photos. And it forces you to organize your work in a way that makes for a good user experience.

Preview the Talva template

4. Palmera

If you want to keep a photography blog or share in more depth about your photo projects, this is a good example of how you can share a preview of your writing and your photos in one place. The design makes it easy to browse and skim, and the previews give visitors an idea of what each post will be about before they dive in.

Preview the Palmera template

5. Quincy

Here’s another simple, elegant design if you’re a working photographer. No matter your niche—weddings or otherwise—this layout puts one feature image at the center of your homepage to encapsulate your style. From there, visitors can dive deeper into your portfolio or go straight to booking. 

The embedded appointment booking tool makes it easy for people to set up a time to meet with you and reschedule as needed.

Preview the Quincy template

See Squarespace customer examples

Many professional photographers use Squarespace to share their latest work—and grow their careers. See the example from photographer Frauki above. She uses the homepage to put her video and photo work front-and-center, but also highlights her shop, blog, and brand partnerships in the navigation bar. By letting her photos take center stage, she ensures that her site always matches her aesthetic.

Read more about how Frauki and other creatives designed their sites 

How to build a photography website

If you’re ready to create your own photography site, choose your website builder and consider what you want to include on your site.

  • Choose a website layout that displays your photos well. If needed, resize your photos to fit your design.

  • Decide what your website goal is—e.g., booking clients or photo sessions, selling prints, just getting your portfolio online.

  • Choose a name for your website and domain. Many photographers go with their name.

  • Choose colors and fonts that feel in line with your personality or aesthetic. Matching common color palettes in your photos could be a good place to start.

  • Add any pages you need, like a Contact or About Me page.

Ready to build your website?

This article was updated on December 6, 2024.

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