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Nik Sharma on Optimizing His Website

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Even after launching an award-winning food blog and writing a few cookbooks, food writer, photographer, cookbook author, and recipe developer Nik Sharma continues to work on his online presence. Squarespace had the opportunity to speak with Nik to learn more about how he keeps his website optimized using the Squarespace Mobile App.

SQUARESPACE: You founded your blog, A Brown Table, back in 2011. What’s the biggest change you’ve made in your digital approach as your online platform evolved?  

Nik Sharma: Switching to Squarespace was perhaps the biggest and most important change I made. I’m not a web designer and the tools that Squarespace provides makes it extremely easy for me to build out a website that’s functional and aesthetically pleasing.

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SQSP: You use the Squarespace Mobile App to track your site Analytics. How has this feature helped you manage your online presence? 

NS: The Squarespace analytic tools are a great way to watch in real time how people interact with my recipes and photos on the blog. Based on the engagement, I can get a sense of what recipes connect with my readers the most. In addition, I use the data to determine what flavors are popular with my readers, the tools help me with recipe development.

SQSP: The Flavor Equation, your most recent book, came out in October. What digital tools have you used to build awareness around the release?  

NS: My publisher and I ran a pre-launch campaign for my book and we used the Squarespace analytic tools to gauge enthusiasm based on the content that we shared from the book via my blog posts.

Ready to optimize your online presence? Check out our Selling on Squarespace guide for more resources.

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